Losing Your Hair? Here’s What to Eat

Losing Your Hair? Here’s What to Eat - A nutritionist from Japan said that men are less likely to be bald if they eat curry. According to the site Rocket News24, Yoshiko Nakagawa claims that “the mixture of spices found in curry such as turmeric, saffron, nutmeg, and capsaicin are good for the body’s metabolism and blood circulation, which is known to encourage hair growth.”  So could dishes containing this popular blend actually nip falling hair follicles in the bud? “Curry powder, which is a mixture of spices including turmeric,...
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Adopted or abducted?

Adopted or abducted? - Veil of secrecy lifts slowly on decades of forced adoptions for unwed mothers around the globe. Most women describe giving birth to a child as a life changing experience – in a word – “challenging”, “joyous”, “miraculous.” But generations of young, unwed women describe their experience of giving birth to a child as a nightmare – and decades later their suffering has yet to end. From Australia to Spain, Ireland to America, and as recent as 1987, young mothers say they were “coerced”, “manipulated”, and “duped” into...
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Duck boat sunk in World War II found in Italian lake

Duck boat sunk in World War II found in Italian lake - The amphibious vehicle sank in Lake Garda, killing 23 US soldiers just days before the end of the fighting in Europe. But the boat, and the remains of the soldiers, were lost until this week. More than 70 years after it sank in a lake in northern Italy causing the loss of 24 American soldiers’ lives, a US amphibious vehicle has been found lying on the lake bed. Amateur historians had been searching for months for the relic – a six-wheel, two-ton amphibious DUKW vehicle that sank during...
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One of Hawaii's iconic plants is again at risk

Climate Change Threatens Spectacular Hawaiian Plant - One of Hawaii's iconic plants is again at risk. The striking and rare Haleakala silversword, found only on the high volcanic slopes of Maui, is on the decline, scientists report today (Jan. 15) in the journal Global Change Biology. First, the plant was nearly killed off by cows and collectors starting in the 1880s, then conservationists made it a success story after the 1930s. Now climate change is bringing about a new collapse. A Haleakal? silversword in bloom, with Haleakal? crater...
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Men's top sex secrets!

Men's top sex secrets! - If you thought men's sexual response is quite simple and their needs can be met easily, then you certainly need to revise your knowledge of the "birds and bees," for men aren't as simple as they are made out to be. 1. Trapped Sperm Not all sperm go racing for the egg at once. Once sperm has been deposited into the vaginal canal, some of them are temporarily trapped in a semen coagulate or clot. Eventually, they are decoagulated by enzymes, which set them free to swim about a female''s reproductive system....
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NASA to athletic Mars rover: 'Stick the landing'

NASA to athletic Mars rover: 'Stick the landing' — It's NASA's most ambitious and expensive Mars mission yet — and it begins with the red planet arrival late Sunday of the smartest interplanetary rover ever built. Also the most athletic.Like an Olympic gymnast, it needs to "stick the landing."It won't be easy. The complicated touchdown NASA designed for the Curiosity rover is so risky it's been described as "seven minutes of terror" — the time it takes to go from 13,000 mph to a complete stop.This artists rendering provided by NASA shows the Mars...
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Anti-gay discrimination in the animal kingdom

Can Animals Be Homophobic? - Anti-gay discrimination in the animal kingdom - In an interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan on Sunday, former Growing Pains star Kirk Cameron called homosexuality “unnatural,” and a behavior that is “ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.” We’ve heard that many species of nonhuman animals engage in gay sex, which calls into question the first part of Cameron’s statement. But what about the practice of shunning gays—can animals be homophobic too?Not as far as we know. Homosexual behavior has...
READ MORE - Anti-gay discrimination in the animal kingdom